- Windows server 2016 datacenter .net 3.5 free download

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Windows server 2016 datacenter .net 3.5 free download.Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2016 


Windows server 2016 datacenter .net 3.5 free download -


I'm trying to install Net Framework 3. Finally I noticed that in the media only exists a CAB package that is "microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-package". I did not have access to my Windows Server Essentials installation media, but searching Google for " microsoft-windows-netfx3-ondemand-packag e" led me to a direct link to the.

Pointing the wizard to the. Open the group policy editor. For example, on a computer that is running Windows 8. Click Computer Configuration , click Administrative Templates , click System , and then double-click the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair setting. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.

If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff microsoft. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Internet Explorer TechCenter. Sign in. United States English.

Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums.

Windows Server General. Sign in to vote. Hi Guys, I'm trying to install Net Framework 3. KB, not installed. I hope you can help me Guys, Thanks. Friday, May 12, PM. Hi, I had the same problem on Windows Server Essentials and managed to solve it. Hoping this helps someone. Thursday, February 22, PM. Is this server using a wsus server? Try setting Windows to get optional features from Microsoft.

To configure Group Policy for Feature on Demand. Select the settings that you want to use for Features on Demand. Saturday, May 13, AM. Please try to install. Net Framework 3. On the Confirmation page click the Specify an alternative source path.

Best Regards, Eve Wang Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. Monday, May 15, AM. Hi Eve Wang, thanks, I tried what you said.

Doesn't work. Thursday, May 18, PM. Hi Mr Happy, The server isn't using wsus server. This totally worked for me. We are using WSUS. Monday, April 2, PM. I my case it was installed after I ticked "Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows". Wednesday, September 5, PM. Wednesday, October 31, PM. Perfect solution when you have no media and are managing server remotely. Sunday, December 2, PM. I solved my problem enabling bits and windows update services. Thursday, January 3, PM.

This solution has really helped. I downloaded the file from this link.. Friday, March 22, AM. This worked like a charm. Thanks a ton. Tuesday, April 30, AM. This worked for me!!! Finally after five hours of trying I've managed to get it to install! Thursday, July 11, AM.



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